
Olive Oil

Complete oil plants with olive oil extractor and olive oil separator

Our olive oil production plants guarantee outstanding performance levels - both in continuous cycle as well as batch processing - enhancing the quality of the oil on the one hand, which proves richer in polyphenols, and on the other allowing the full valuing of the by-products, which consequently become another source of income for the oil mill.

The experience we have gained puts us in a position to offer our customers, wherever they may be in the world, a turnkey product that caters to the entire olive processing cycle, from leaf removal to washing via crushing and malaxing through to extraction and separation, using state-of-the-art olive oil extractors and olive oil separators. Thanks to our ongoing investments in innovation, we have filed hundreds of international patents, 25 of which are currently active, and are synonymous with and bear witness to our dedicated commitment to new technology R&D.